Welcome to Shannon Phillips & Co. Professional Organizing

I have always been “that girl” who loved to have everything in order. Even as a child, my Mama never had to tell me to clean my room. Throughout all of my life’s transitions from moving away to college and getting married to raising a family, my heart has always been at peace when “all my stuff was in order”.

I am not saying that I have always kept a perfect home, always tidy and neat. Nope, I am right there with you on this. Life gets busy and balancing work and running three active kids all over the county to participate in sports after working all day and then having to come home and get homework done and dinner on the table… I GET YOU!

But do you know that feeling… when you walk in and just see CLUTTER everywhere, all over the kitchen counter, and table and you don’t even have space to put down all the bags in your hands?

Now close your eyes and image walking in from a long day and everything in your home is tidy and in order. You know exactly where to put your keys and purse, so you will be able to find it when you leave again. The kitchen counter is clean and you have organizational systems created for you that makes it easy to keep it this way.

You open up your pantry and you can tell where everything is. Your sugar and flour are in pretty containers which helps you see when you are running low and this helps you prepare your shopping list easier.

I want you to feel this way, everyday. I am so excited to be able to share my passion of home organizing with you.

Shannon Phillips

Hi, friend! I’m here to help you create a calm & peaceful home by implementing organizational systems throughout your home. I can help to promote the functionality that you deserve, so you can enjoy the things that matter the most.


Why I decided to become a Professional Organizer