Why I decided to become a Professional Organizer

When anyone hears that I am a Professional Organizer, they are amazed, which leads to all kinds of questions. Most comments are “I need you in my life!”. I also hear, "I wouldn’t even know where to start organizing my home”. Some automatically think that my house is perfect and I am the first to say that I know where you are coming from. Life happens. When I walk in my house and it feels out of order, I automatically feel the heavy weight, like the air is sucked out of me.

I have always loved the feeling of having every item in its place. It's like I can breathe. Such a freeing feeling.

In the Spring of 2020, I had a lot of time on my hands…I am sure the same as what you all experienced. We were locked in our home. Couldn’t go anywhere. Everything was shut down. Life as we knew it had come to a screeching halt.

This was not a good thing for the girl who is always busy! When I was not working or chasing behind my kids extra-curricular activities, I was picking up after my family and busy around my house like the Energizer Bunny. Having all this extra time on my hands was about to drive me crazy. My normal routine during this time of year, you would find me at the baseball park… several nights during the week and every weekend with two active teenage sons playing college baseball and being the taxi cab to our daughter who was in 8th grade at the time.

So with all of this extra time, I started channeling my energy. I bought books and starting researching this subject of “organizing”. I THOUGHT my home was organized until I started watching organizing shows and researching “all things organization” on social media. Through all the mounds of information out there I began to learn how organized I COULD be.

I watched every episode of Marie Kondo and The Home Edit on Netflix and quickly realized that people “get paid” to do this. After successfully organizing each room of my house and feeling the ENERGY that it gave to me, I realized that this was my calling…this was God’s will for my life. Something that I had prayed about for so long, was right before my eyes and I had to learn how to make this dream a reality… and so I did!

Shannon Phillips

Hi, friend! I’m here to help you create a calm & peaceful home by implementing organizational systems throughout your home. I can help to promote the functionality that you deserve, so you can enjoy the things that matter the most.


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