Hi there!

I’m Shannon, Owner & Lead Professional Organizer.

I have a passion of organizing and creating a safe haven in my home. There is nothing like a neatly organized drawer or a picture perfect row of fluffy towels neatly folded in a linen closet. Imagine opening up your closet or pantry door and feeling an “AH HA” moment when you see how much easier it is to find what you are looking for!

Not only do I love the look of decluttered & organized spaces, I love the feeling it gives: PEACE, JOY & RELAXATION. It is a sense of pride that I feel when my home is organized.

You will feel this too!

This is the gift I want to give my clients: to maximize their home life and add value to their daily routines with my decluttering & organizing solutions.

My desire and passion for organizing stems from an early age of always striving to be tidy. From a child, to my college years, to married life with children, I have loved organization. I worked in the corporate world for 24 years for a well-known Orthopedic medical practice while raising my children. I understand what it is like to be stressed between a clean house and family time. Several years ago, I decided to make my passion into a dream career and began the pursuit of becoming a Professional Organizer.

The feeling of satisfaction when everything is in order is indescribable & today I want to share this with you!

On a personal note:

My Father passed away in a tragic accident in 2020. With my family living on the family farm, we all had to learn to live life differently. Our main goal was to make sure my Mother was taken care of and comfortable for the rest of her days. It took us a while but the decision was made to do some home improvements on her home of 53 years. We basically had to take all of her belongings out of her house to prepare for new floors, bathroom remodeling and new painting throughout her house.

During this time, I spent my days with my Mom touching every item in her home and gently asking the questions,

“Is this special to you? Does this spark joy for you? Do you want to keep this or donate it?”

It was her idea, and I was surprised that she was ready to start with my Daddy’s belongings first. This is usually the last thing that I would suggest as sentimental items can be the hardest to make decisions on, but I allowed her to take her time and she was able to decide what she wanted to keep and discard.

I am so grateful I had this opportunity because as we worked through each room, I learned so much history behind the items in my mother’s home. As the time came to start moving her items back into her home, I was able to help her create systems that worked for her in order for her to be able to function in her home more efficiently.

I believe every item “has a home”.

“Still Waters”

I have a strong Christian faith & one of my favorite Bible verses is:

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures.He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul.”

— Psalms 23: 1-3

I know what it’s like running behind toddlers, trying to manage a household and work full time. I have had life transitions of seeing children move away to college and get married. I have witnessed how losing a loved one can lead to learning to live life differently.

Whatever stage of life you are in, I am a listening ear with a helping hand. I want you to experience “still waters”.

Fun facts about Shannon:

  • I was born and raised on the coast of North Carolina, in Brunswick County on my parents farm.

  • I graduated from Peace College in 1993, (Yes! I am a Peace girl) earning my Associates of Arts degree.

  • I furthered my education at North Carolina State University, (GO PACK!) graduating in 1995 with my Bachelors of Science Degree in Business, with a concentration in Marketing.

  • I have been so blessed to marry my high school sweetheart (whom I met in the 6th grade). Happy 28 years to us!

  • We have raised three amazing kids, two sons and one daughter.

  • Our oldest son is a Mechanical Engineer and married his high school sweetheart 2 years ago. We have just welcomed our first grandchild at the end of 2023. (A beautiful baby boy !)

  • Our middle son is in college studying to become an Electrician and also married his high school sweetheart 1 year ago. (Yay! Another daughter-in-law, who has just completed her first year of Vet School at NCSU!)

  • Our daughter just graduated high school and her passion is volleyball. She is a hard worker & enjoys hanging at the beach with her friends when she is not waitressing. She will be heading off to college in a few months to pursue a degree in Nursing. (Bittersweet tears are flowing over here!)

  • We have two fur babies: A Labrador, Sadie, and a Maltipoo, Cooper.

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